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Bone and Muscle Challenges One Faces in Old Age

Bones and muscle weakness are closely connected with aging and hence any person who is approaching his or her 60s should take care of the bones and joints particularly. Other factors like change in skin texture and hair color are inevitable while one is aging. However, one has full control over his musculoskeletal system even though many will argue that bones are ought to lose their strength after a certain period of time.

If precautionary measures like taking health supplements and proper exercising are followed beforehand, one can easily avoid bone challenges like weaker joints and inflammation. Joints supplements like Glucosamine Chondroitin MSM complex is specifically proven to be very effective in countering the effects of aging on joints.

This post is a little attempt to make you aware of the bone and muscle aging challenges so that you can prevent them from making you weak further.

Changes in the power of the muscles

Muscles are the second pillar of strength, after bones, to support the body. It is the muscular strength that enables you to move the body freely. Coordination is done by the nervous system through the brain but the final action is taken by joints and muscles. You will often find elderly people facing difficulty while walking and also, there is a change in their posture. In a nutshell, slowed movement due to weaker muscles is the biggest challenge one has to face once he or she hits the 60s.

Loss in bone density

The bones, especially of the women, tend to lose density due to poor calcium and mineral content in a later age. The spine is composed of vertebrae bones which have a gel-like cushioning between each other. The gap between the bones becomes thinner due to the loss of the fluid gradually. The joints, on the other hand, lose flexibility and become stiff due to the same reason i.e loss of fluid. Corrosion of bone against another becomes very evident due to lack of cushioning and this causes pain and stiffness in the joints of the elderly people.

Fattening of muscle tissues

Another disturbing change that makes the lives of the elderly people troublesome is the deposition of fat and lipofuscin in the muscle tissues. Lipofuscin is a pigment that develops at a later age and it causes shrinkage of the muscle fibers. The healthy muscle tissues get replaced slowly with rigid and damaged fibrous tissues. The effect of this change is clearly seen in the hands and feet of an elderly person as they may look bony and skinny.

Though all the aging challenges can’t be prevented in a guaranteed way, there is nothing wrong in trying to minimize the effects. If you consume joint and bone supplements that are specifically formulated to help you adapt to these structural changes, you can become stronger and live healthier for the rest of your life. Glucosamine Chondroitin MSM joint complex produced by Healthy Joints System is available online on Amazon and is greatly useful for lessening joint discomfort that is very common in aged people.

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